Prime TB Hospitals – UK

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant health concern in the UK, and several hospitals excel in its diagnosis and treatment. Here are 25 prime TB hospitals in the UK renowned for their expertise:

  • Royal Free Hospital, London Royal Free Hospital houses a leading TB unit, offering comprehensive care and research in the field of tuberculosis.
  • University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London UCLH is a major referral center for TB, providing specialized care and innovative treatments for patients with tuberculosis.
  • St. Mary’s Hospital, London St. Mary’s Hospital is known for its expertise in infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, with a dedicated TB clinic.
  • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham University Hospitals Birmingham offers specialized TB care, including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment.
  • Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge Addenbrooke’s Hospital provides comprehensive TB services, including diagnosis, treatment, and support for patients with tuberculosis.
  • Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary houses a dedicated TB ward, offering specialized care for patients with active tuberculosis.
  • Kings College Hospital, London Kings College Hospital offers specialized TB care, including outpatient clinics and inpatient services for patients with tuberculosis.
  • Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester Manchester Royal Infirmary provides comprehensive TB care, including TB screening and treatment for latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh Edinburgh Royal Infirmary offers specialized TB services, including diagnostic testing and treatment for patients with tuberculosis.
  • Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool Royal Liverpool University Hospital provides comprehensive TB care, including access to clinical trials and advanced treatments for tuberculosis.
  • St. Thomas’ Hospital, London St. Thomas’ Hospital is known for its expertise in infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, with a dedicated TB clinic.
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham offers specialized TB care, including multidisciplinary treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis.
  • University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester University Hospitals of Leicester provides comprehensive TB services, including TB contact tracing and treatment for latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton Royal Sussex County Hospital offers specialized TB care, including outpatient clinics and inpatient services for patients with tuberculosis.
  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham Nottingham University Hospitals provides comprehensive TB care, including access to specialized TB nurses and outreach services for vulnerable populations.
  • Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol Bristol Royal Infirmary offers specialized TB care, including TB screening and treatment for patients with active tuberculosis.
  • Southampton General Hospital, Southampton Southampton General Hospital provides comprehensive TB services, including diagnostic testing and treatment for tuberculosis.
  • Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading Royal Berkshire Hospital offers specialized TB care, including TB contact tracing and treatment for latent tuberculosis infection.
  • Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge Royal Papworth Hospital provides specialized TB care, including multidisciplinary treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis.
  • Royal Brompton Hospital, London Royal Brompton Hospital is known for its expertise in infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, with a dedicated TB clinic.
  • Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham Queen’s Medical Centre provides comprehensive TB services, including access to specialized TB nurses and outreach services for vulnerable populations.
  • Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro Royal Cornwall Hospital offers specialized TB care, including TB screening and treatment for patients with active tuberculosis.
  • Southmead Hospital, Bristol Southmead Hospital provides comprehensive TB services, including diagnostic testing and treatment for tuberculosis.
  • St. George’s Hospital, London St. George’s Hospital is known for its expertise in infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, with a dedicated TB clinic.
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital, London Great Ormond Street Hospital provides specialized TB care for children, including diagnosis and treatment of pediatric tuberculosis cases.

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